How the following conversion is carried out?
Benzene to deuterobenzene

Conversion of deuterobenzene from benzene.


Arrange the following in order of increasing boiling points:

Alcohol have ability to form hydrogen bond therefore it forms bond with hydrogen and thus strengthen the bond. thus, boiling point of alcohol is more then haloalkane.
Since molecule (iii) has two hydroxy group therefore it forms more stronger hydrogen bond than (iv). In case of haloalkane bromine is larger in size thus vander waal forces is more as campare to chlorine thus order of increasing boiling point is given in order;


The C—X bond in aryl halides is shorter in comparison to alkyl halides. Explain.

The electron pair present on the halogen atom resonates with the benzene ring and the following contributing structures for aryl halide are possible.

Although the charged structures (I), (II) and (III) have only little contribution towards the hybrid, yet carbon atom joined to halogen atom (X) acquires partial double bond (or sp2hybrid) character. Consequently, there is some shortening of the C—X bond length (1.69 Å) in aryl halide than in alkyl halide (1.82 Å), where there is only sp3-hybridisation and no resonance.


An organic compound ‘A’ having the molecular formula C4H8 on treatment with dilute sulphuric acid give another compound ‘B’. B on treatment with conc. HCl and anhydrous zinc chloride gives ‘C’. C on treatment with sodium ethoxide gives back ‘A’. Identify the compound. Write the equations involved.

The equation involved ;



Secondary alkyl halides are more reactive than primary alkyl halides and tertiary alkyl halides are more reactive than the secondary ones. Explain.

Alkyl groups are electron-repelling (or electron releasing), so larger the number of alkyl groups attached to the carbon atom of the C—X bond, the greater is the electron density on this carbon atom and consequently there is a greater repulsion of the shared electrons towards the X-atom of the C—X bond.

From the above, it is clear that X atom is released as X
 most readily in tertiary halides and least readily in primary halides. Hence, tertiary halides are most reactive, while primary halides are least reactive.

